Friday, October 25, 2019

Booby Poison 10-25-2019

When one hears the word cancer, they immediate stop and think the worst.
When one hears the word treatment, they immediate think chemotherapy.
When one hears chemotherapy, they think losing hair.
When one thinks losing hair, they think humility.
When one hears humility, life is over.

Now picture yourself being a breast cancer patient and facing that list step-by-step.
But not only may you be on chemotherapy you may be subjected to radiation or hormone treatments, too. Sometimes the treatments are so aggressive on the female body that you may not be able to conceive a child.
Not only may you lose your hair, you may lose a lot of weight, you may lose one or two of your ‘symbols of femininity’, and by doing so you may never be able to breastfeed your child.
The strain of breast cancer takes a toll on every aspect of life and it is grueling to see. I haven’t experienced breast cancer first-hand and I have not seen a loved one go through that disease. However, I have seen and heard stories and it breaks my heart the sacrifices that survivors make and the anguish their families go through. But to understand this, we need to understand the disease itself.
Breast Cancer is when a tumor is developed in the tissues of the breast and it begins to attack the healthy cells in the body. The symptoms range from discharge of the breast to a swollen mass. The treatments range from chemotherapy to hormonal treatments.
According to, “1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer over the course of their lifetime” which is a scary realization within itself because you don’t know if that can be you. The best way to check and see if you don’t have breast cancer or, if you do have it and catch it early, is to have a PAP smear/breast examination done by your physician. It would only take a few mins and if caught early could save your life.
Breast Cancer is a terrifying disease affecting thousands of women and men across the world. According to, “41,760 women are expected to die in 2019 from breast cancer” and although, the mortality rates are decreasing, the number of deaths is still too large.
Please join me in recognizing the strength of the amazing women and men battling this disease, thanking the medical teams building defense against this disease, and giving support and counsel to those families living the disease.

Let's fight this Booby Poison Together!!!!