Friday, September 6, 2019

The Slashing Truth (9-6-2019)

POP. Slash. Gulp.

Do these sounds mean anything to you? Probably not because they might be common sounds that you hear daily or maybe jump at watching a movie. But, to some it is a sound that means serenity, relief, and on some occasions, Goodbye.

Suicide has many meanings such as being dramatic, ’easy way out’, psychopathic, and good riddance that are promoted through the media and bullying. But that is simply not true.

Suicide is simply taking one’s life. The meaning is simply we were too late to save them.

The reasons for doing so however can range from mental illness, overwhelming traumas back to back, and a result of bullying.

Those who are plagued by the thoughts of suicide are victims because the traumas and the stress of life is too much for them to handle and, in the moment, they feel completely alone and want to end their suffering.

According to in 2016, “the suicide rate for the United States was 15.30%, a 2% increase from 2015” (MacroTrends, 1) and they were the 16th highest country for suicide rates. After looking at the statistics further, it showed that from 2000-2016 males were the most likely to commit.

To me these statistics were shocking and it is ever more shocking where the US stands. According to the American Psychological Association, “Suicide was the 10th-leading cause of death in the United States in 2016” (APA, 2) and from these numbers I believe it’s growing.

But, enough of statistics it’s time to truly understand why individuals would resort to ending their lives. Investigate and explore inside the minds of the victims and walk in their shoes.

Some reasons why individuals turn down this treacherous path, as mentioned earlier, are mental illness, intense life traumas back-to-back, and bullying.

Some mental illnesses commonly associated with suicide are depression and bi-polar disorder. Those who have depression have low levels of dopamine and serotonin, which are brain chemicals that help balance a person’s mood. Those who have bi-polar experience what I call the ‘light switch effect’, which means they bounce between severe depression and abnormal increased happiness. Both of these disorders can lead to suicidal thoughts if the depression becomes unmanageable. Both are manageable with prescriptions and therapy.

Intense life traumas along with PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) are another reason. This is a common factor for veterans, especially because they experience the horrors of war and they see intense violence. It is hard for traumas such as war, death, and destruction to escape our minds. Even the tiniest daily activity can trigger an episode and cause a person to recall those events. Most with PTSD are never again the person they were prior.

And, finally bullying. Bullying is a trauma I know all too well and it is an injustice that infects our youth like a putrid fever. Bullying is simply and quite frankly an act of emotional, psychological, and physical abuse. A simple name calling or a rumor being spread can affect a person. If the person being bullied becomes overwhelmed or they feel trapped from all sides then it can lead them to taking drastic measures to end it.

Suicide is what most believe is their last resort to stop the overwhelming stress and pressures of life. But we can change that by showing our support and being there to lean on. The thing that victims/or those struggling need to know is that there is someone there to listen, someone who cares, someone who believes them, and someone who is willing to help them overcome everything. All they simply need is a hand. The Slashing Truth is we are just as guilty if we do nothing when something could have been acted upon to prevent it.

Works Cited


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