Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sacrifice Defined

Sacrifice can be defined by any number of things. What you do? How you do it? These two things define sacrifice to me. With these two characteristics you define what sacrifice means to you and shows the world who you are.

Sacrifice is defined as "the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim." ( Sound frightening, doesn't it? To give up something for something more important. What a thought!

Now that was just a dictionary/ direct definition of sacrifice. But let me tell you what sacrifice means to me and how I define it.

Sacrifice means showing the people you love how much you love them by giving up what is material and sometimes what is important for you. Since I started dating Alex Hagadorn in 2011 and since I became a mother last year I understand sacrifice beyond comprehension. I didn't worry too much about material things or expensive belongings because I wanted to make sure everyone I loved was taken care of. I'd stay up late doing schoolwork and working long hours so that me and my loved ones could spend time together and that our daughter had every joy and comfort that a little girl needs and deserves growing up. Bills were a given and food was a given but in my mind those were things that needed to be taken care of.

The first thing that comes to my mind is my family. Nothing else. As long as they have what they need to live, to survive, to enjoy life then I was contented. I've worked so many long hours and experienced so many sleepless nights so that I could provide for my family I didn't even bother keeping count----too many that's what!!!!! I've even sold my own belongings so that my family could thrive and have food on the table. Every penny is counted for and used and if some money if left over after all that (which is a luxury within itself) then I use the money for something productive that I know I can use in the future.

Speaking of the future, time itself can be a useful outlet for sacrifices. Take me for example, I use my time to be productive whether it's writing an article or blog like I am now, taking a stroll around the block to stay in shape, or planning my day-to-day schedule so I stay in control. Time is a precious thing and you never know how much you will have left on this earth. If I have the opportunity to relax or take a nap (which is very rare for me) it doesn't come without a tidal wave of guilt following because I could of used my time to a more constructive task such as me gathering research for my upcoming books. So----I will sacrifice that time I could use resting and put more focus towards a constructive outlet instead.

Now----How do I do it? Well, it's quite simple really. I just do it. Balance the odds I call it. Would you rather have your child starving and not have anywhere to live or would you rather have her healthy and thriving like you were as a baby? To me that's an easy choice. My daughter, Alex, and our families will always come first to me----regardless of anything else. Sounds pretty straight forward, doesn't it? Well, when you re a parent IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE. It's not called sacrifice unless you give up something that was once important to you or even not as important to you ( luxuries) and giving it up for something grander and even more valuable than your wants.

I think I've nailed down sacrifice, don't you? Now if you have no idea what sacrifice means or what it entails to make sacrifices then by golly you have not lived or struggled. Sacrifices are not supposed to be easy and they are not supposed to be fun-----HELLO! THAT'S WHY THEY ARE CALLED SACRIFICES!!!!!!!! NOT LUXURIES.  Now if your sacrifices benefit you in the long run then they can turn around and morph into luxuries but until then you have to make them every step of the way.

Another way on how to do it is by swallowing your pride, keeping your head high, and striding with your dignity intact by working as hard as you can. Believe me sometimes I feel like giving up and throwing everything away because I feel like my hard work will not amount to anything, but every time I think of Elayne, her daddy, and our families I push harder and my drive is even stronger. It's easier said than done I know but you have to have that drive to keep you going; to keep you motivated. That hard work will get you to a better place believe me----I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't work my ass off.

I keep my dignity intact by keeping a positive attitude and treating everyone with respect. I never let anyone take pity on me because I don't need pity----pity parties are for those who don't give a damn and want the world to show them mercy and love. I completely understand that some people get into a rut and it's very, very difficult to get out. I have been there--- BELIEVE ME!!!! And if someone does give you pity then let that motivate you to get better and get to a better place. Like I said I swallow my pride and let my hard work speak for itself-----and believe me my hard work, my passion, my drive will speak for itself. If that doesn't surmount to anything then you are not the motivation I need.

Boom Sacrifice has been defined!!!! For me at least, how about you?

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