Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The White House Files

So does anyone ever wonder what Area 51 is? What's possibly hidden in there? Do most Americans know how the protocol for the 'line of succession' works if the President died? Did you know that the Executive Branch does not live in the same White House that was built over 300 years ago? Do you know that some of our Presidents were part of a secret society known as the 'Free Masons'?

So many questions......yet very few answers.

I've made it my mission to explore these questions and our presidential history and pull up the secrets that linger beneath the soil, the gravel, the concrete walls of our beloved Washington estate. I've created my own theories after extensive research and hours plucking through books and magazines. Sometimes I think my head might explode due to the amount of information I pull up and the possibilities that are unearthed.

Now do not think I am jumping into a psycho crazy illusion believing everything I read. I only get my information from esteemed sources and I use my own educational knowledge to piece together the truth. I do not plan to exaggerate my claims and I do not plan to seek praise for what I believe and hypothesize. And also do not believe that I am starting my journey from now to then. To understand the past and how it stills lingers in the present, we need to start there.

I plan to start my journey in the so called 'Revolutionary Period' of the 1700s because that is where the presidency started. 1789 to be exact with our first President, George Washington, and then work my way down to our President-elect Donald Trump. And no I won't be discussing political squabbles unless they serve a particular relevance to how America is where she is today. And I plan to make this expose bi-partisan in my intentions and arguments because it's better to see both sides than one side of history.

This expose may take weeks, months, or maybe even years for my to write and type up.......So why am I talking it now? So you my followers may anticipate and revel in excitement as to when it will be published or hopefully, released to more readership.

Let's see America's patriotic secrets and dig up our Four Fathers again!!

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